About Us

Who are EA RE?
- We created EA Real Estate to specialise and deal with property valued at £1million or more.
- EA Real Estate are a specialist property sales brokerage with strategic partnerships allowing us to offer a variety of solutions to our Clients.
- Our staff are leading Agents in their field, we only take on Agents who believe in our Vision, Mission and Values.
- Led by three entrepreneurs, we develop and empower entrepreneurs to become the best Agents in the industry.
- Our Agents only get paid once your property sells - making them hungry for success.
- We are marketing experts across online and offline methods.
What is the EA RE mission statement?
To create a dent on the UK real estate industry by enhancing the sales experience and changing the perception of ‘estate agents’.
Inspiring and empowering our agents to fulfil their utmost potential, build a life changing career and add insurmountable value to their clients.
Delivering an honest, transparent, pro active service for Clients with properties valued at £1million or more.

What’s our vision?
Our vision is to grow to become the market leading brokerage within the luxury real estate sector.
We aim to empower our self employed agents by helping them create their ‘forever’ careers, live life on their terms and ultimately provide the best possible service and maximum value to our clients.
Our vision is to make the house sale process seamless for both buyers and vendors, working pro actively to ensure that at the point of sale agreed we are not wasting time.
What’s our brand identity?
Our brand identity is specialism in £1million or more property sales in a safe, trustworthy and transparent manner.
Our brand identity is synonymous with bringing out the best and truest reflection of our partner agents to maximise their value add to our vendors.
Our brand identity is one based on investment. Investment in systems, processes, training and resources for our partner agents, so they can give the absolute best possible service to our clients.
What is our defining philosophy?
Quality of service - an asset that offers unlimited and compounded returns.
The higher the quality of service we give, the greater the return on investment.